v 2008 ~ WebsiteSupport

December 22, 2008

First impressions for Adsense websites

First impressions count when we meet people. It determines if we like them, trust them or attracted to them. First impressions with Adsense websites are even more important. They make a big difference to your Adsense income

When your visitors first land on your website either from an article you’ve written, search engine traffic or forum signature, the first impression of your Adsense website is put to the test straight away

They either love the website, read it, come back or click away to another website quickly. So you have to make a good first impression when they arrive on your website

First of all, the design of your website or blog, needs to be pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. This will attract their attention and make them more willing to find out what your website is about

Now that you’ve got their attention, you need them to stay longer to read most of your content so that they have time to click on the Adsense ads which interest them. The content on your website is what makes them stay. As long as the content is interesting, they will read it.

The next thing you need to work on is updated content. Whether it’s a blog or website, the content must be updated regularly. This will make the visitor return. This is so so so important.

You have managed to get a visitor to your website, don’t waste it. Make them return and become one of your regulars. This is why it is crucial to update your blog regualrly and use RSS feeds on your websites so that people will return to read what’s new

And don’t forget, search engines love fresh content. The more traffic you get and the longer they stay, then the more chances of them clicking on your Adsense. Keep this in mind the next time you look at your website. Ask yourself “Is my website giving a good first impression?”.

Adsense policies that will hurt your income

Beginners should join memberships which offers a Adsense Website Builder or lots of information related to making money with Adsense. With an Adsense website builder you are familiar with, then your chances of making money with Adsense is greatly increased.

If one website doesn’t generate as much income as you would like, then the next one will probably be better. If not then the next. Basically the more Adsense websites you have then the greater your chances are of receiving a check from Google.

I have always stressed that learning how to use the Adsense website builder should always come first when one wants to create a niche empire online. Once you know how to create an Adsense website, you can create several without breaking a sweat. The more the merrier. Or should I say the more the richer?

There are several Adsense website builder on the market. Software such a Frontpage and Dreamweaver are the most popular brands for creating websites. Well let me tell you there are much more easier tools you can use. I’ll tell you them in the next week in my postings. Stay tuned to the Adsense website builder section.

Adsense accounts safety net?

Beginners guide to Google Adsense is all about teaching the basics to the newbie so that they have a chance of having a good start and not get burnt. However, you’re still new and mistakes will happen. You need a safety net.

Nothing is beats having two Google Adsense accounts. I recommend most people to have two accounts even if they’re a seasoned pro. The reason is if one gets shut down, you’re back on your feet again in 3 mins. How cool can you get?

You may unexpectedly have mistakes with your site having 4 adsense units for example and if you don’t have insurance, you’ll loose a few days of income.

For the confident Adsense website builder, they can try some new techniques with Adsense and their website. For example, there is a software called Voodoo Blog which can create hundreds of blogs in one day. Risky, but if it works well, you can put it as your main stream marketing technique and watch the Google checks come in.

How to set up URL channels

You may have more than one sites displaying AdSense Ads for Content. You may want to see which site is performing better. To track this, you will have to set up URL channels. Then all the clicks and earnings coming from that site will be shown in the report. To set up URL channels, do the following steps:

1. Sign into your AdSense Account
2. Click the AdSense Setup
3. There will be 3 choices, AdSense for Content, AdSense for Search and Referrals. Click AdSense for Content.
4. Under the AdSense Setup tab, click "Channel"
5. Click "URL channels"
6. Click "Add new URL channels"
7. In the box, enter the URL's of the sites you want to track, one URL per line8. Then click "Add channels" and you are done.

After that, you don't need to do anything, even when generating the scripts for your ads. You don't need to select the URL channel. You only have to select channels if you are using Custom channels

How to make the Google AdSense searchbar and change the width, etc.

To generate the script for your Google AdSense searchbox, sign into your AdSense account and click the AdSense tab, then select AdSense for Search. You will have a choice of just a Websearch or a Websearch+Sitesearch. Click the appropriate radio button. If you chose Websearch+Sitesearch, you will then have to type in the URL of the site, and this will appear next to the radio button in the search bar itself. If you have a long URL, the width of your searchbar will be wide. See for example the sample below:

Note that the radio button for a Websearch is ticked by default. If you want your readers to search only the content of your site, you will have to tick the radio button for the sitesearch (beside the URL). I have seen searchbox with the sitesearch described as a short This site, but have not found the means to do it. I believe that is only available for premium AdSense account.The default Google AdSense search bar is often still too quite wide for the position where you want to place it in your site, but it can be changed. There are various ways to make it narrower. One is to tick "Logo above text box". See the screenshot below (click to enlarge):

To make the searchbox even narrower, tick the radio button beside "Search button below text box" (if the URL is too long, this may not work). Depending on other factors (especially if it is only a Websearch bar), changing the length of the text box to a smaller number of character can further make the searchbar narrower. See for example the sample below:

You can also change the background by using the drop-down menu, but the choice are only black, white and gray. You may have seen searchbar with other background color, but again, that is only for premium account holder.Note: sushithmn of TIPS TO MAKE MONEY BLOGGGING has this to add:On the setup wizard for AdSense for search you will see an option called {"Google search" on button} select it, then check the drop down menu for the background colors and you will see an option to "use HTML code" for background color at the end of the drop-down menu. I have tried this, and looks like if you want to have more choices of color for the background, you cannot have the Google logo on your searchbar as ticking the radio button on the "Google search on button" option will cause the Google logo to disappear from the searchbar (Note: I can understand why it is necessary for the Google logo to be missing from the searchbar as using other colors for the searchbar for the background may make the logo very ugly or even have some part of it blending into the background). See screenshot below (click to enlarge):

You will now have more color choices including choosing HTML code for the color. If you want to use HTML code for blending the background color of the searchbar to the site, The post will describe how to use a tool to help you choose the HTML color to blend with the site.There are other choices. You can choose to have Site-flavored search that lets you customize your search results to be relevant for your site. The search result page opens in the same window by default, but you can choose to make it open in a new window. You can even the choose to have the results of a user search appear within a frame on your own page. Those who have strong opinions about getting results for adult audiences, or have children frequently your site, you can also opt for a safe search, which will exclude contents sensitive to young children. I believe a message saying the author has selected safesearch is also added to the searchbar, and this may increase the likelihood of people who are sensitive about such matters.After you have made your choice, you will be taken to a page where you can customize the logo and style of your search results pages to match your site, choose a country or territory to determine which Google domain will be used for search results, choose SafeSearch so that sites and web pages containing adult themed and explicit sexual content are excluded from web search results and specify a custom channel to track the performance of this search box. Clicking CONTINUE will take you to a page with a box containing the script for the search bar. Just click inside the box, and the whole script will be highlighted. Right-click and select copy (or ctrl+A) and paste into the template of your site.

Note: The one thing you CANNOT do is to alter the script yourself to get what you want. It can get your account suspended.

Content make people revisit

Your blog advertising Google Adsense needs lots of promotion to drive traffic so that significant clicks occur and of course more income. You should always keep in mind that it is a human being that will click on the Adsense. So ask yourself, why would they come to my site and click on the Adsense?

People will visit websites because that website has interesting information which they will want to read. Information on your blog if updated regularly, will cause them to continuously revisit your site. Therefore keeping your blog updated will surely keep the visitors returning. Once they read your regular updated blog, they would see Adsense which are related to their interest and thus, they will click on them. It’s as simple as that

What does this tell us? It tells us that the blog advertising Google Adsense must have good content around a particular theme. Something which is a person will think of revisiting time and time again to get more information of the topic that spices up their interest. So get to work on your content before thinking about income and driving traffic to your blog. One of the modifications you can do after drafting your interesting post is to sprinkle it with keywords related to the theme you want the Adsense to show up. However, the content must be still readable by the human.

Picking High Paying Keywords For Your Adsense Website

Heard of people mentioning that you should only choose high paying keywords when building your Adsense websites? The moral behind this is that as you’re getting clicks to your Adsense, you might as well get them for high paying keywords.

It’s a difference between earning $10 a day to $5 a day. But my advice is ignore these high paying keywords. Yes, unless you’re a professional internet marketer and know how to get tons of traffic forget it

Sorry to shatter your hopes, but the fact is, there is too much competition for these high paying keywords. I mean why not create Adsense websites where there is little competition and you can make lots of money there? This is why almost everyone says go for the low hanging fruit.

I prefer to earn money easily and effortlessly. Let others battle it out.

Another good reason is that these so called high paying keywords change. They could be selling for $10 a click one month and only $1 a click a few months later. So by the time your website is well established to get the visitors coming to click, it’s too late.

People should not take creating Adense websites as a hobby. Treat it as a long term business. Create good content and build several websites around your niche.

For example, create anger management, time management, attracting wealth and self confidence websites around a main niche - self improvement.

These will drive traffic to other websites as they are related. They will make your Adsense income stable and long term. Not a flash in the pan.

Let’s talk about click thru rate - CTR

his section’s Beginner’s guide to Google Adsense will concentrate on CTR (Click Through Rate). I wish we can all place Adsense on our website and wait for the dough to roll in but things are not that easy. There is a system to making money with Google Adsense.

The Adsense should be placed in a very visible area on your webpage. The area will have to be chosen carefully to maximize exposure. We are trying to increase the rate at which visitors to your website click on your website. Increasing the CTR of your visitors by 1% is enough to be happy about. Don’t believe me?

Say a thousand users went to your website and 2% clicked on the Adsense. That is 20 clicks. If the CTR is increased to 3%, then that results in 30 clicks. A difference of 10 clicks. In time these clicks add up and you will have left some major money lying on the table.

You may have great ideas of where to place the Adsense but remember that you must not impact the browsing experience of your visitors. The Adsense should be left in the same location for a week or 2. During this period, carefully monitor the performance which is the CTR.

When to Apply for Google Adsense account?

The beginner’s guide to Google Adsense cannot be complete without mentioning the steps to open an Adsense account. What a lot of people do not understand is that the website has to be up and running before Google will approve of your Adsense account.

Application of a Google Adsense account is not the first step for my beginner’s guide to Google Adsense. Creating the website or installing a blog depending on how you want to place the Adsense is the first step

Once the website is created, make sure that it is search engine optimized (SEO) and that good content is written and uploaded. The content should mention relevant keywords and have the correct “keyword density”. This means that a keyword should appear on 3% of the article

For example, if your content is 100 words then the keyword should be mentioned 3 times. Once the content is ready, you can apply for a Adsense account at http://www.google.com/adsense

Applying for an Adsense account is not immediate. You need to wait for a few days before being approved. One of the things they will ask you for is your website URL. So make sure your website is ready before applying for an Adsense account.

High paying Keywords

mesothelioma $84.08 mesothelioma attorneys $80.93 mesothelioma lawyers $69.04 malignant pleural mesothelioma $55.95 Asbestos Cancer $54.17 mesothelioma symptoms $53.66 peritoneal mesothelioma $52.27 trans union $51.91 lung cancer $43.12 search engine optimization $30.19 mesothelioma diagnosis $28.70 home equity loans $20.06 baines and ernst $18.47 consolidate loans $17.74 lexington law $17.68 lexington law firm $16.81 debt problems $16.28 register domain $15.74 home equity line of credit $15.61 affiliate programs $14.33 refinance $14.21 video conferencing $13.63 payday loans $13.21 credit counseling $13.02 asbestos $12.79 debt solutions $12.64 cash loans $12.13 refinancing $12.09 broadband phone $12.08 debt management $11.86 fast loans $11.81 credit card processing $11.75 credit reports $11.59 making money on the internet $11.58 merchant account $11.46 line of credit $11.42 money magazine $11.27 adsense $11.13 credit counselors $11.02 identity theft $11.00 make money at home $10.84 free credit $10.76 cash advance $10.64 consumer credit counseling $10.63 freecreditreport $10.61 make money from home $10.35 free credit reports $10.26 make extra money $10.21 domain registration $10.19 adwords $10.08 citifinancial $10.06 my fico score $10.01 web hosting $09.88 american express credit $09.71 airlines credit card $09.52 credit report $09.52 earn money $09.51 hard drive recovery $09.49 hard money lenders $09.44 credit counseling service $09.44 consolidate $09.41 claims $09.20 debt consolidation $09.10 poor credit $09.09 low interest $08.89 web host $08.64 student credit cards $08.63 secured $08.60 merchant account application $08.59 loans $08.57 send money to india $08.43 discover credit $08.40 merchant accounts $08.39 hosting $08.35 money on the internet $08.34 credit loans $08.33 consumer credit $08.32 money making ideas $08.26 credit card applications $08.23 money lenders $08.10 discover credit card $08.09 money loans $08.08 dept help $08.01 credit card services $08.01 consolidation $07.94 ways to make money $07.84 student credit $07.73 online credit report $07.66 how to make money $07.51 accept credit $07.47 accept credit cards $07.43 student loan $07.43 internet money $07.39 credit repair $07.32 free credit check $07.28 bad credit $07.26 money making $07.21 SEO $07.18 University Degrees Online $07.16 credit card application $07.05 consolidating $07.05 people with bad credit $07.05 car loans $07.05 money fast $07.03 money now $06.88 household automotive $06.76 personal credit $06.73 money at home $06.72 bad debt $06.69 lenders $06.68 auto loans $06.63 making money online $06.61 Point of sale software $06.55 interest credit cards $06.53 credit history $06.53 lending $06.39 business credit $06.32 money to india $06.31 debt $06.17 online credit $06.15 student credit card $06.14 hard money $06.10 webhosting $06.06 credit cards $06.04 make money $05.97 credit application $05.96 online credit card $05.96 chase credit $05.90 interest credit $05.89 equifax credit $05.89 video conference $05.88 credit card offers $05.88 american credit $05.86 credit card fraud $05.82 best credit card $05.82 no credit check $05.79 credit card $05.75 bankruptcy $05.64 best credit $05.59 money market account $05.55 mbna credit $05.54 for credit $05.48 webhost $05.48 pengar $05.47 college credit $05.44 money market accounts $05.43 best credit cards $05.40 credit reporting agency $05.39 credit card debt $05.36 credit checks $05.36 visa credit $05.36 credit check $05.29 secured credit cards $05.26 one credit card $05.25 Credit report $05.24 i need money $05.16 low interest credit $05.15 credit services $05.08 credit reporting $05.06 preapproved $05.04 online approval $05.04 credit card rates $05.02 credit score $05.00

December 14, 2008

Top 20 SEO Tips & Guidelines :: Free Search Engine Optimization

1.If you don’t want too much competition from other SEO’s, choose your keywords precisely. For example, Instead of keyowrd Loan choose keywords like Bank Loan, Equity Loan, Student Loan, Home Loan etc. Order of keyword also matter for search engines. Search engine treats “Loan Equity” and “Equity Loan” as different keywords.

2.Best seo practice is to get at least one of your primary keywords in domain or sub domain name of your website.You can use hyphens (-) to separate multiple keywords.For example: seo-service, seo-guidelines, free-seo each cover two keyords.

3.Get your second or third keywords in your directory name and filename. For example http://www.hiddentricks.com/seo/free-tips.html is best for keyword “free seo tips” , “seo hidden tricks” or "free seo tricks"

4.Keep your webpage free from any syntax error, declare document type at the beginning and validate your HTML and CSS because search engine don’t like pages with too many errors.

5.Give a short Title in of your page in 3-9 words (60-80 characters) maximum in length containing your primary keyword.Remember it will be displayed in search results so choose wisely.

6.Try to include your most important keyword phrases in heading tags on your page if you can but keep in mind it should not be exactly same as title of your page. You can use (H1 H2 H3) tag for specifying anything important. To reduce size of heading use CSS.

7.Specify Meta keywords in heading of document. Limit it to 15 to 20 words. Although not all the search engines give importance but there is no harm doing it. Search engine like Yahoo still give it importance.

8.Write Your Meta Description tag attractive containing keywords because it will appear on the search engine result pages.

9.Use text for navigation menu instead of using images or Java scripts.

10.Try to include your most important keyword in hyperlinked text and text and text that immediately precedes or follows the hyperlink. Do not use same keyword always use synonyms at few places.Jusk like instead of seo, I have use search engine optimization at many places on this page.

11.If you are using images then use “alt” attribute to describe your image with proper keyword.

12.Keep size of your webpages less than 50KB so it is downloaded fast and visitors don’t have to wait for long. For good SEO site page size ideal should be 15KB.

13.Try to avoid your content in Flash, frame, images, java script because crawler find it very difficult and it is against seo tips and guidelines.

14.Don’t use dynamic url because it don’t contain keywords so its not search engine friendly. If you are using any script which shows dynamic pages then make sure at least it should include one keyword.

15.Don’t try to spam and never use methods like cloaking, keyword spamming or doorway pages. Many seo advices to have multiple domain name and link each other but according to our SEO tips and guidelines search engine can penalize you for this.Instead of that try to add more quality content to your existing website.

16.Submit your website only once to google, Yahoo, AltaVista and other search engines and open directory.Don’t use any script or website for automatic submission.

17.One of the best webmaster guideline is to submit sitemap of your website to make sure all pages of your website are indexed by search engine crawlers.

18.If your website contents changes very often then provide visitor with Newsletter and RSS feed.

19.Write articles on website related to yours having higher page ranking and leave your websites link.

20.Get link from other sites related to yours, search engine consider it as vote in your favour.

By following my top 20 tips and some other guidelines provided by me you can get in top 10 position in SERP’s.

login with your multiple yahoo ID

Now you login with your multiple yahoo ID at a same time from the same computer.. Here's very easy trick ..
Go to Start
Run >
Click for: HKEY_CURRENT and

There you may find only one registry named "Default"- Right click in that area
Click New >
Dword Value-
A new registry will appear there..
Rename it as Plural >
Right click >
Modify >
Set the Value Data 00000001 and
click OK

Open another Yahoo Messenger and Enjoy logging with another ID Its all.....
Have fun..

December 09, 2008

Adsense 15 tips

Want to add more Revenue from adsense then here are 15 tips to you..

#1: Find your keywords
Before serving ads on a web page, check its keyword density. A free and advanced tool for finding the most prominent keywords in a page can be found here: SEO Density Analyzer. Copy the most important keywords to a text file ([web page name]-Google AdSense-keywords.txt).

Tip #2: Improve your keywords
Get keyword suggestions from Overture Search Inventory and from Google AdWords Sandbox. Get new keywords that can help you improve your ad relevance. Enter the keywords from [web page name]-Google AdSense-keywords.txt and save the suggestions to [web page name]-Google AdSense-suggestions.txt.

Tip #3: Keep your website focused on a theme
Use the keyword suggestions to enhance your web pages and to build theme-based content. And also try to get your keywords into the anchor text of your incoming links as much as possible. Don't forget that Google Google AdSense is keyword-targeted advertising: Google Google AdSense bases its advert topics on your websites content, this means that content-rich websites of a popular topic should attract a large amount of ads.

Tip #4: Write a new page every day
One of the best tips is to add a new page to your web site every day. The more content you have, the more visitors you will get. Put an Google AdSense unit on each and every content page of your site. But where? You will find more about that from the next Google AdSense tips.

Tip #5: Choose the right Google AdSense format
Wider formats are successful because the ads are compact, easy to read and are complementary to the content. The top three Google AdSense formats are:

336x280 large rectangle

300x250 medium rectangle

160x600 wide skyscraper

Another successful format is the 468x15 horizontal ad links, that can be placed under your navigation bar.

Tip #6: Color tips
When creating your Google Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background color.

Create a custom Google AdSense palette:

border color = background color of your web site

background color = background color of your web site

link color = blue, color of your links

url color = black, #999999

text color = black, #333333, color of your main content

You can also rotate your color palette: select multiple color palettes that blend with your site to create variety.

Tip #7: Position tips
Visitors tend to look at the big headlines to see if your page is worth reading. If you get them interested, they will read the text and look for your navigation links.

Place the Google AdSense ads in a prominent place around the top/left part of your page or under your headlines, where your visitors are most likely to look at.

If you have an article page with a long body of text, the bottom of that article is a good place for Google AdSense ads because your visitors read the text and then they want more resources.

Tip #8: Increase the number of ads
If you have a lot of text on a page, use multiple Google AdSense units. You can use up to three Google AdSense units on a page, two Google AdSense search boxes and one unit of ad links.

Link units allow the user to refine what they're interested in. So if they may not be interested in specific ads on your page, they might be interested in a particular topic, and by clicking on a link unit and a link in the link unit, they'll be able to specify that they're interested in that specific topic and get a lot more options and variety on the ads that might appear.

Google AdSense for Search allows visitors to search Google.com or your sites (up to 3 domains). You earn money whenever they click on the ads that come up on the search results. If you click the Open search results in a new browser window checkbox in the Google AdSense for Search settings, you won't lose your visitors.

Tip #9: Preview Google ads
You can find out what ads will be served by Google Google AdSense if you install Google

Google AdSense Preview Tool, a very simple tool available only for Internet Explorer 6.0. Click to advertiser sites without generating invalid clicks, and easily add their URLs to your URL filter list. Because Google AdSense uses geo-targeting, Google serves different ads for other countries. Instead of faking your IP or travelling abroad to test your ads, use this Google AdSense tool to see what ads see your visitors from France, Germany or other countries.

It's possible there are no Google Google AdSense adverts available for your webpage. Hide Public Service Ads, using alternate colors or images. Make sure you include the image in a simple html file as a link (use target="_top"). The image size should be the same as the dimension of Google AdSense units. In the alternate url box, enter the absolute url of the html file.

Read more about alternate ads.

Tip #10: What not to do
Don't click your own ads

Don't ask others to click on your Google ads

Don't manually change Google AdSense code

Don't place Google ads on sites that include prohibited content (e.g.: adult sites)

Don't employ cloaking, hidden text or farm links

Don't use Google AdSense ads on the same page with similar ads (e.g.: Yahoo Publisher Network)

Tip #11: Show images above or next to your ads
Placing images above Google AdSense ads is not necessarily prohibited by program policies. However, depending on the method of implementation this could be considered encouraging users to click on ads. So you should include a border line between the ads and the images. Don't show specific products in your images, in order not to mislead the visitors. Just use generic images that will increase the visibility of your ads.

Tip #12: Use section targeting
Use section targeting to emphasize some content in your page. On your site, place this code where you want to emphasize.

Content you want to emphasize.

If you want some content to be ignored, use

Tip #13: Alternate the colors of your ads
Google AdSense allows you to have up to 4 color variations for each variable for which you can specify color. You should do that if you put Google AdSense ads on pages that receive many impressions from the same visitors (for example forums) to reduce ad blindness. For example:

google_color_border = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"];

google_color_link = ["000000","BBB90C","BBB90C","628098"];

google_color_url = ["000000","628098","000000","000000"];

google_color_text = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"];

Great for overcoming ad blindness.

Tip #14: Your Google ads should be visible
Make sure your text ads are visible to the surfers in all screen formats. If you put the ads in a table give sufficient breathing room, i.e. proper cell padding and cell spacing to make the ads stand out from the rest of your content.

Tip #15: Use Google AdSense channels
You can categorize the content of your website into channels and then track your performance. This way you can experiment with different types of ads and see which is performing the best. Instead of buying an Google AdSense tracker, you can enter the most important pages in your site and see how they are doing. Create up to 200 channels for Google AdSense.

December 03, 2008

Protect Adsense Account

Some tips to protect the adsense account
1.Never click the google ad by yourselves of your own websites.
2.Put three Ad Unit,Three Link Unit and two Search Box maximum
on page of the websites
3.Never alter the adsense code.
4.Never put the other companies advertisement on the websites
where ther is the ad given by google.
5.Log in to your adsense account only once with in 24 hrs.
6.Do new posting regularly on your websites.
7.After the posting reached to 30, then you can delete old postings and
put fresh postings
8.Do not log in to your {adsense A/c,Blogger A/c,Even Gmail A/c}
from different IP
9.Follow different methods to insrease Web traffics on your websites.
Which means that insrease more and more number of visiters from
different countries on your websites.
10.For doing this you can follow different methods to increase traffics
on your websites:like;
1.Classified Sites
2.Add URL
3.Social Bookmarking

November 29, 2008

New To Adsense?

Don't be worry if you are new to adsense.I will teach you how to earn money online through google adsense.
First thing you need is a nice website or blog.You can get free website/blog from different free website company like blogger.com,wordpress.com,000webhost.com,geocities.com,etc..
Second one is the content of your website or blog.
You need the content/articles for the search engines to pick up your website through the keywords, but you also need that visitor to click on that Google ad to make any money. The more content you have on your website; the more web traffic that will be sent to your site. I have also discovered websites with more content out performs the smaller content sites. The reason for this is because the website offers more information and draws potential clickers back to your websites without spending money on the web traffic. That is one key to succeeding with Google Adsense ads.
The next thing I learned was that I needed a better payout per click to make any type of money with this business venture. I then learned how to do just that. You have to use the higher paying key words in your titles and write about these topics. You also need to write your own articles. This will help with search engine traffic. If your articles are unique, search engines will take note of the information, which will be use for web traffic. The placement of your Google ads is also very important because it will allow your click through rates to also improve.

The number one goal is to get those high paying links to appear on your website and to get the visitors to click on the Google ads. This is how and the only way you will make money online with these websites/blog.

Once you able to accomplish this task, you just repeat the process over and over again with many different websites until your financial goals are reached. You can build a hundred websites, but until you set up your websites properly, you’ll just be wasting your time and money. What I have shared with you is the only way you’ll be successful with Google Adsense ads. Choosing to build websites for the sole purpose of Google ad clicks is not recommended. You need to have some type of products or affiliate links on your sites too. You need to also be careful you do not use too many outside links because if you do, you’ll never get any Adsense clicks.
My other recommendation would be for those who already have websites in existence. If you already have a website or own several different websites, there is absolutely no reasons why these Google ads should not be part of your websites. Ninety percent or higher of your customers will not be buying your items the first time they visit your site, and these web surfers need to be clicking your Google ads when they are leaving your website. I strongly advise you to add these Google ads to your websites.

There you have it, the ways to make money with Google Adsense ads. Use these techniques and you’ll begin to see your Google account increase by paid clicks.

Free Traffic Methods

No web business can be successful without web traffic. Without web traffic your web business will surely fail. I have often taught in many of my articles that you must learn how to market the business before you start operating the business successfully. Many of you are doing this wrong, and you still wonder why your business is not succeeding or making money like it should be and is capable of doing. First of all, it’s not the business; it’s the person who is operating the business; therefore, you must change your ways and learn the basics first.

Over the past ten years I have experienced many struggles to learn unique traffic methods. There are only two types of web traffic. There is either free traffic or there is traffic that you pay for. That’s the only two types, and here is my recommendation on these two types of traffic. You should start off your new web business with paid traffic in the form of pay per clicks, text link ads, banners ads, or solo ads that you can purchase. These methods will get your business off and running. Once your campaigns are in motion, you can concentrate on free traffic methods. Free traffic methods would include writing articles, writing news releases, social marketing, viral marketing, forum marketing, Search engine optimization, video marketing, pod casting, Joint ventures, and word of mouth. There are hundreds of ways to advertise you business and believe it or not most of these methods are free. With anything that is free, it will require extra work on your part, but it is well worth your efforts.

This web page was designed to teach you about getting web traffic, free website traffic, and web traffic methods. The key to any successful online business is being able to generate website traffic.

Are you ready to learn the traffic methods that will send more traffic to your website than you have ever expected to generate? Let’s get started!
The Top Nineteen Methods for Generating Unlimitted Amounts of Web Traffic;
Search engine optimization Email Marketing
Pay per click advertising Social marketing
Low cost adverts Post cards
Forum posting Speaking at events
Video Marketing Auctions for lead generation
Article marketing Lead capture pages
Publish news letters My story marketing
Viral marketing Online classified ads
Solo ads with ezines Direct marketing-offline
Joint Ventures

I would like to explain how each of these methods work and are put together; however, this is a free article and it would take an entire website to explain how each of these methods are implemented; therefore, enjoy the information and learn how to utilize each of these methods

You must learn the above nineteen methods. My suggestion; learn and master one method at a time and then move onto another method. It only takes one method operated correctly to bring in tons of web traffic. That’s why I suggest working at one method and then moving onto another after that method is mastered.

Now that you know the top nineteen methods, let’s go into more traffic methods that you can use to benefit your web business.

You can write an ebook and offer it free. This method is classified as viral marketing. The key is to allow customers to download the book for free and be able to give away that same book. You will want to do this because it will allow you to advertise your website free of charge. The number of visitors are unlimited.

You need to start thinking about branding yourself on all of your products and contacts. Every contact that is made your logo, website, or name should be displayed. This also includes signatures on emails.

You should also use auto-responders when capturing customer’s information. This is a great technique for free advertising and should be utilized for staying in contact with your customers. Like they say; The money is in the list!

Another method is exchanging links and banners with other websites. If you do not want to spend time finding sites to exchange links with, there are companies online who will do this for you, but that comes with a fee.

You must participate in online forums. This is a great way to advertise you business for free. This method will take time to accomplish; therefore, make this time count for your benefit web needs. This would also include web blogs. Be sure to also start your own web blogs on your site to get extra web traffic.

Writing article is a great way to generate free traffic. You need to have at least six articles written and always advertise your website in these articles. Once your articles are written, spend time submitting to every article directory online. This method will work even better if you change fifty percent of the article each time it is submitted to a different directory. Also book mark the locations on all of your articles.

Your website needs to be submitted to all of the search engine directories. At a minimum your site should be submitted to Google, MSN, and Yahoo.

Social Marketing has become really big in the last two years. This method would be used on sites such as; My Space, Face Book, You Tube, eBay, Chat rooms, forums, blogs, or any other sites that communicate with others. The numbers of these sites are unlimited and are growing everyday.

Video marketing is huge and works great. Video marketing is one of the top methods used by almost everyone who operates a successful. If you are not using video marketing, you are behind time and you are losing sells everyday. You must use this method to survive in the online world.

Classified ads are also growing as an online method which can be utilized for free web traffic. Just about every big website online offers paid or free classified ads. This space should be utilized for advertising. Just be careful on free classified ads, some of the larger companies will kick you off of their website due to your commercial advertising. To get around this, your IP address needs to be blocked when submitting your ads. This method works greats but it comes at a small cost, membership, and a piece of software.

Traffic brokers are popping up everywhere. They offer visitors and hits at a very low price, usually around one cent per visit. Be advised some of these brokers are scams. This method will work if you can find a trust worthy traffic broker that sends you actual visitors. There is only one way to find out which companies are reliable, that’s trying them and testing the results. There are also email list brokers, but the same technique should apply.

Audio-zines are a lot like ezine marketing; however, instead of using a solo or classified ad, you would use an audio or a pod cast to deliver your message.

Don’t forget about selling on eBay, Amazon, and other auction sites. Auction sites are a great way to generate leads for your business, even if you did not make any money. As long as you can capture the customer’s information or email address, you can eventually make money off of that customer. Some of the top gurus sell on ebay, not for the money but for the leads generated for much larger sells.

Another way to get web traffic is by purchasing expired domain names. Some online business work hard for years and then give up leaving their customers still coming back for more finding that the website is gone. This is wasted web traffic and can easily be diverted to your website.
Make it easy to buy from your website. The last thing a customer wants to do is jump over hurdles in order to check out with their purchase. Your check out process should be within a couple of steps and very simple. Keep in mind, the sell is not made until the money exchanges from the customer to your business. Keep the check out easy and simple.

You can also offer coupons, free shipping, or hold contest for your customers. The key here is to get your customers involved in your website. Make them feel part of the website, not just a paying customer.

Your website should also contain articles and information. A content rich website will pull free web traffic from the search engines. No matter what type of website you have, it can contain information on a topic or products you offer.

Test, test, test. You must test your campaigns each and every time you run a campaign. A strategy that worked before might not work again. That’s why it is important to test your campaigns. Methods and customers change, something new and exciting is always the best technique and the way to bring in new customers.

You should also use testimonials on your website when you are trying to reach or persuade new customers. Always use certified testimonials, Do not use testimonials that have been made up. This never works and can destroy your website’s reputation.

Come up with something creative, like a joke for the day, or birthday cards for your customers. It does not take a lot of effort to make your customers feel wanted. Most importantly, always send them a personal email just to say Thank You. This is how and why your customers will return to your business.

Offer free reports on your website. Everyone enjoys free items especially when they are not expected. This is usually an unspoken thank you.

Make sure your website uploads fast. You can lose many potential customers if your website loads slowly. Whatever the cost get this corrected even if you have to move your website to a new web hosting provider.

Your website name and logo should be advertised on everything. Find creative ways of getting this message out in the public and to the communities online.
Another cool website that will come in handy is alexa.com. If you want to see how a website is ranked or what type of traffic they are getting to their site, use the tracking tool at alexa.com, it’s awesome and will provide you with a great deal of information.
Here are some tips to get free traffic for your websites/blogs.
1. Ads on free classified ads sites, such as Backpages, Craigslist, and Kijiji. (List of classified sites are given in my previous post.)

2. Posting articles on article directory sites, such as EzineArticles. (a) Corrolary: All articles are blog posts, and most blog posts are articles!

3. Creating educational YouTube videos and putting URL in the video and link in the description text.

4. Posting content to networking sites. For example, ActiveRain is a very popular blogging and online networking community for real estate brokers, in much the same way that Facebook is for college students. Networking with other people expands your sphere, also. (List of Social networking sites are given in my previous post.)

5. Discussion board participation. Pick forums related to your industry and site, and put links in your signature line so it appears in all your posts. These can be stand-alone sites, or \"groups\" on sites like MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

6. Automatically submit your content to aggregators. The easiest way to do this is to burn your feed to FeedBurner and enable the feature to distribute your feed to blog aggregators. (Read the post adsense feed)

7. Place links in your blog posts to allow readers to submit them to Digg, Delicious, Stumble Upon, Fark, and other such \"best of blogging\" sites. And last, but definitely MOST important, the number one web traffic generator of all time...

8. Build your list! Get people to subscribe to your email list or blog feed to receive announcements of blog updates, product promotions, tips, tricks, secrets, and anything else your readers might want to know about.

I recently became a huge fan of Feedburner.com, a Google product. It allows you to automate several functions listed above, as well as BUILD A LIST for FREE! You can add a \"Get email updates\" subscription form on your blog and they will be automatically notified whenever you put up a new post. While lacking the significant power of a sequential autoresponder, it\'s a great way to build a list without subscribing to a service. Feedburner will even let you export your subscriber list in Excel format, so you can take it with you if you move beyond it\'s capabilities.

These 8 publishing methods should get you thousands of unique visitors per month to your site, which is sufficient to generate a small but significant AdSense or affiliate revenue stream through making money online.

Tips To Gain Traffic To Your Sites

We all are creating a website or a blog and just waiting our website and blog to become famous ? Same as me, everyone are going through this process as well, so i have do a research and find out there are some ways to get traffic to your website or blog in my point of view.

Here are 7 things you can do to get more traffic at your site and increase the chances you’ll get online donors - or just get the word out, try it out before you said it’s doens’t work. It’s better than doing nothing and just waiting people to visit. Time = Money = Traffic !

1. Starting, create your blog/website with your own content, make sure your site is worth visiting(visit your site/blog first time and think to visit again next time), informative, easy to find, easy to use, up-to-date, appropriate for the people you want to visit, of course you may need to make your content clear and interesting.
2. Ask yourself before creating your site/blog, what content do you want to concentrate on ? who is your target? Where is the location of the target? How they normally search for any information that they want (internet, shop?)? How your site benefit them?….etc.

3. Create a “meta tag” in your blog or website. Put relevant keywords in your “meta tag” so that search engine spiders can crawl your site properly.

4. List your Web address (and e-mail) on all your materials - letterhead, brochures, newsletter, forms, ads, videos, etc. And repeat it often in radio and TV interviews, at speeches, etc.

5. Get people’s email in Friendster, Bebo, Facebook, Forum and any other site. Add them to your free e-mail newsletter that also alerts them the updates on your website/blog. This is the workable way to get your traffic.

6. Submit to all the key search engines: Google, Yahoo, Excite, InfoSeek, Alta Vista, Lycos, HotBot, etc. And check from time to time to make sure you’re still there.

7. Promote your site in forum or any other website/blog and doing link exchange with other related website/blog. Check time to time make sure they did not remove your link.

Ok, this is all 7 ways to guide you to get more traffic to your website. I have try some of them and found out this is work. But you must keep your website or blog up-todated..fresh content and interesting one..i’m sure you can success in 1 day..keep your nice work !! Make Money Online is not impossible !

How To Make Money Online By Increasing Backlinks?

Backlinks are very important to every nice blog (Important to my Website Support Blog as well). Backlinks can help you to improve your Search Engines Ranking, Page Rank, indirectly also increase your blog traffic. Indirectly again, backlinks can help you make money blogging, how good they are.

What is Backlink ?

Backlinks are those incoming links, those links that link from other page to your posts or pages. The more incoming links you have in the single post, the better rank you have in the single post. That’s mean your single post is important and popular and your readers would like to give your single post a link from their blog. Backlinks are also called incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links. In order to make money online, you may need to improve your backlinks. The more backlinks you have, the more money you can make. This is why backlinks are also very important for a make money online blog.

How To Increase Backlinks And Make Money Blogging?

In order to increase your backlinks, there is only one simple steps you need to do all the way when you feel you want. So how to increase backlinks ? Commenting! This is the point, commenting on others’ blog can increase your backlinks, that’s very easy. Don’t be selfish to drop comment on others’ blog, I believe that most of you will feel that commenting on a blog may help him/her to improve their blog, don’t be selfish, because it helps you to increase your backlinks too.

A comment consider a backlink, but don’t try to spam on others’ blog, Google hate it and you won’t get better rank. Don’t practice to comment like “Your blog very nice!”, “Nice blog you have, very informative!” and etc., “polish their shoes” and you may cause Google to hate you. You are recommended to give your own opinions, suggestions, your 2 cents 3 cents & 4cents.
The more quality comments you have, the more backlinks you get, the higher rank you have, the easier your post to be listed in Google, the more traffic you gain, and … THE MORE MONEY YOU MAKE !

How To Choose Keyword For Better SEO ?

Note: SEO:Search Engine Optimization
Every webmaster or blogger also have their own nice website or blog, I think they should know how to win in the SEO war. To win in the SEO war and to get in the first page of Google search, you should pick a keyword for your blog to optimize, without a specific keyword, you will not win in SEO war. Take my blog as an example, I have a Make Money Online blog, so I will only concentrate on my nice keyword which is "Make Money Online".

I will not go till too detail today, I will only share with you the tips on how to choose a keyword for your nice blog. I can’t admit that I’m an expert in choosing keyword, but at least i know what should i do now. This is why I’m writing this SEO tips today, because blog is all about sharing tips, agree ?

So before you are ready to choose a keyword, of course you need to do some research about the keyword you want to optimize. First, check your keyword popularity and competitor. I check my keyword popularity in Keyword Tracker, there is a image show that a keyword search result. Let’s say now we choose a keyword “Travel”, wow there is 24180 searches for this keyword, great right if you can get in the first page of keyword “Travel” in Google. You are wrong, in the learning process, it’s better we take other lesser searches keyword.

Why don’t pick “Travel” as my keyword since there is 24180 searches, it’s a good chance to get tonnes of traffic. I will tell you why, now open your Google page and search for “Travel”, below is the result …

Oh my god, there is 962,000,000 websites that are optimize “Travel” keyword. They are your competitors ! When we are starting to learn how to win in SEO war, how are we going to beat down 962,000,000 websites ? May be you can, but i don’t know, i rather choose those lesser competitor keyword.

Ok, now we choose other keyword, ok ? Now you can go back Keyword Tracker to check other related keyword in “Travel” keyword search. I found that there was another keyword “Travel tips”, has about 1668 searches too, not bad =) Ok now we go back Google page to search for “Travel tips” keyword, result as below …

Oh, “Travel tips” keyword has14,700,000 websites, not bad what, lesser than “Travel” keyword, it’s easier to beat them up with “Travel tips” keyword. You can find other related keyword or the keyword you like, but make sure there are enough searches on your keyword, if not you are just wasting your time. You won’t get any traffic if you optimize the wrong keyword.

So, get yourself a good and suitable keyword for your blog first before you start your blog. If you win in SEO war, I bet you will be the next successful blogger in future!

How To Optimize Your Keyword ?

I will make you understand how to optimize your keyword, so I will understand you a few tips on how to optimize and let you get into the first page of Google search.

Let us start from the page title ok ? First, ask yourself what is your page title and what keyword you are choosing for your blog ? If you still not sure how to choose your keyword, then Ok, I will give yuo an example, take “Travel” as my keyword.

Remember, don’t put “Welcome to my Travel blog” or “My Travel Blog” as your page title, it’s useless for Google to crawl your keyword.

You should put “Travel tips Nepal Travel Story” or whatever related with Travel, check the keyword searches to see whether is anyone search for that keyword first, if not you are wasting your time to optimize your keyword.

Another tips, don’t put “and” in your page title, example like “Travel tips AND story”, cut off the “and”, replace “” with the “and”, it will be better. Cut down the number of your words in the title too.

Ok, now I want to know you how to optimize the keyword in your blog entry, whenever you write a post contain with your keyword “Travel”, “Travel tips” or “Travel story”, Bold it or Italic it or underline it. This is an example : “Websitesupport can bring me $100 per month, it proves that Make Money Online is not impossible.”

So now you see how to optimize your keyword in your blog entry ? But remember, don’t too over use it, if you Bold, Italic and Underline too much, Google will think that your are spamming, Google can slap you like your mother. Sssh ! Ok, this is for today.

How To Make Money Blogging Using Google Adsense?

How to make money blogging using Google Adsense successfully?
Honestly, there are no tricks or easy steps to make money blogging using Google Adsense, but that’s not difficult to make money blogging using Google Adsense too. In order to make money blogging using Google Adsense successful, there are only few things you may need to do with your blog.

In order to make money blogging using Google Adsense, the first thing you need is Top Search Engine Ranking. In my previous post, I have discovered about how SEO and traffics make you money, I have told you how important is Search Engine Optimization. You must be patient if you want to make money with Adsense. Many of my friends used Adsense for few months, they came to ask me why their Adsense earning just a few cents? They quit Adsense and joined other Advertising Company that pay in CPM basis. It shows that inpatient can’t make you money.

The very first step to make money blogging using Google Adsense is own a blog.
Secondly, choose a right keyword.
Third, keyword optimization.
Fourth, write quality content.
Fifth, create backlinks.
Sixth, maintain your blog daily.
Last, sit down and looking at your Adsense Earning grows.

If you are able to get into the first page in Google search with your keyword, huge amount of organic traffics flow into your blog in minutes. Huge amount of organic traffics can make you big money, money flow in non-stop like drinking water. Of course, that’s not easy but not difficult too. Let’s begin with a few simple steps to make money blogging with Google Adsense successfully :

1) A nice blog- You are required to own a nice blog with great keyword optimized. Focus and target on the people who don’t know about Google Adsense. The people like me who know about Google Adsense, I won’t click any Adsense in a blog. For those who don’t know about Google Adsense, when they can’t found what they want in your blog, Adsense is their exit. Their exit is your money as well.

2) Choosing right keyword- Choose 3 - 5 keywords for your blog. Don’t just optimize for only 1 keyword, that’s not enough to get huge amount of organic traffic to your blog. 3 - 5 keywords are ideal for a blog.

3) Keyword optimization- Optimize your keyword in your every single post. 7% of keyword density are ideal, if not Google will penalize you for spamming keyword.

4) Quality Content- Google like quality content that comes from your own word and idea. It’s one of the factor to improve your search engine ranking.

5) Increasing backlinks- Backlinks are also called inbound link. Increasing backlinks can improve your search engine ranking. Increase your backlinks by commenting on other relevant blogs.

6) Maintain your blog daily- Updated your blog daily. Set a goal for yourself to write an article everyday. I set myself a goal to write 1-2 articles everyday, unless I’m busying with other stuff. Feed your reader with what they want to read from your blog, don’t be shy to ask them for opinion. Continue the step 1-5 daily.

7) Take a chair and sit down- Sit down on a chair or any comfortable place, looking on your Adsense earning grows day by day. But, do it only you’ve done step 6.
Actually make money blogging using Google Adsense is not difficult, you just need time. Of course, other than make money online using Google Adsense, you will still have many other opportunity to make money with your blog like me.
Bear in mind, patient and hardwork are the keys to be successful in make money through online world.

Adsense For Feed

As usual, i checked for my Adsense earning to see how much my blog earned today, i also clicked around in my Adsense account, i noticed that Google has a new feature called Adsense For Feed. So i click and read it, but i don’t know how it works, so i Google about “Adsense For Feed”.

“Adsense For Feed” is a new feature that launched by Google, it allows you to put your Adsense ads into your RSS Feed, it helps you to make more money through your RSS Feedburner.

Enter your Adsense account, go to “Adsense Setup” and click for “Adsense For Feed”, you will saw something like this.

Migrating your Feedburner to your Google Account

To use Adsense For Feed, you may need to migrate your Feedburner to your Google Account. To migrate all your RSS feed and your feedburner account to Google account, you may need to email Google (adsense-support-aff@google.com) the following details :

1) Your FeedBurner account username
2) The Google Account email address you use to sign in to AdSense

After that Google will migrate your Feedburner account to your Google account, Google will contact you with other steps to complete the migration.

It’s only a few easy steps to follow to complete the migration, you can start make money with Adsense in your RSS Feedburner already !

November 28, 2008

Adsense Rules


1.Program Participation.

Participation in the Program is subject to Google prior approval and Your continued compliance with the Program Policies ("Program Policies"), located at https://www.google.com/adsense/policies , or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time. Google reserves the right to refuse participation to any applicant or participant at any time in its sole discretion. By enrolling in the Program, You represent that You are at least 18 years of age and agree that Google may serve third party and/or Google provided advertisements (such Google-served advertisements, collectively, "Ads"), related Google queries and/or Ad search box(es) (collectively, “Links”), Google Web and/or Site search results (collectively, "Search Results"), and/or Google referral Ads (“Referral Buttons”) in connection with the Web site(s) that You designate and the Atom, RSS, or other feeds distributed through such Web site(s) (each such Web site or feed, a "Site"). For the avoidance of doubt, any reference in this Agreement or the Program Policies to an individual “Web page”, “Web site”, “Web site page” or the like that is part of the Site will also mean feeds distributed through such Web site. Multiple accounts held by the same individual or entity are subject to immediate termination unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail).

2.Implementation and Operation of Ads, Search Results, and Referrals.

You agree to comply with the specifications provided by Google from time to time to enable proper delivery, display, tracking, and reporting of Ads, Links, Search Results, Referral Buttons, and Google Brand Features (as defined in Section 12 below) in connection with Your Site(s), including without limitation by not modifying the JavaScript or other programming provided to You by Google in any way, unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail).

A}AdSense for Search.

If You have elected to receive Search Results, You will display on Your Site(s) a Google search box (a "Search Box") in accordance with the specifications provided by Google. Each Web page(s) that contains a Search Box must also contain other content related to Your Site. Except for related Google queries, all search queries (including queries entered into an Ad search box) must originate from individual human end users inputting data directly into a Search Box (or Ad search box, as applicable) on Your Site(s). You will send any and all queries (without editing, modifying, or filtering such queries individually or in the aggregate) to Google and Google will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide You with corresponding Search Results and/or Ads, as applicable and as available. Search Results and any accompanying Ads will be displayed on Web pages hosted by Google (each, a "Search Results Page"), the format, look and feel of which may be modified by Google from time to time.

B}AdSense for Content.

All content and Site-based Ads (and Ads served in response to end user clicks on and queries entered into Links, if any) shall be grouped by Google and displayed with Links (where applicable) to end users of the Site(s) as ad units (such groups of Ads and/or Links collectively referred to as "Ad Units") in standard formats as offered generally by Google from time to time, as may be described in the FAQ. You may select a format approved by Google for the display of Ad Units in connection with the Site(s), but You acknowledge and agree that Ads and/or Links: (i) shall only be displayed in connection with the Site(s), each of which is subject to review and approval by Google in its discretion at any time; and (ii) shall be subject to the placement guidelines set forth herein. In addition, You agree that while You may display more than one (1) Ad Unit on each Site Web page, You shall not display any Ad Unit on a page that contains Ads associated with another Google AdSense customer (e.g., Your Web hosting company), unless authorized to do so by Google.


If You have elected to use the Google AdSense Referrals feature, You will implement any Referral Buttons on Your Site(s) in accordance with the specifications provided by Google. Each Web page(s) that contains a Referral Button must also contain other content related to Your Site. End users who click on a Referral Button will be directed to a Web page hosted by Google (“Referral Page”), the format, look and feel of which may be modified by Google from time to time. A “Referral Event” will be initiated when an end user clicks on a Referral Button from the Site and will be completed when the referral requirements for the relevant Google product are satisfied in accordance with this Agreement. Such referral requirements, along with the payment amount applicable to the Referral Event, are located at [https://www.google.com/adsense/referrals], or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time. You agree to comply with the specifications provided by Google from time to time to enable proper tracking and reporting of Referral Events in connection with Your Site. You shall not promote or facilitate a Referral Event by any means other than displaying a Referral Button on the Site, unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail).


You agree not to display on the same Web page in connection with which any Ad Unit, Ad, Link, Search Box, or Referral Button is displayed (a "Serviced Page") any advertisement(s) that an end user of Your Site(s) would reasonably confuse with a Google advertisement or otherwise associate with Google. If You have elected to receive content or Site-based Ads, You further agree not to display on any Serviced Page any non-Google content-targeted advertisement(s). If You have elected to receive Search Results on any Site(s), You agree that Google will be the exclusive provider of Internet search services on such Site(s). Certain Google services available as part of the Program may contain filtering capability, such as SafeSearch or AdSafe, that You may access through Your account. However, if You elect to enable any such filters, You acknowledge and agree that: (i) it is Your responsibility to enable such features in accordance with the specifications provided by Google, and (ii) Google does not and cannot commit that all results (including Ads, Links and Search Results) will be limited to results elected by enabling such filter(s). Google may also include in certain services features which are unsupported under Google's then current technical documentation. Such features are provided "as is" and Your use of them shall be undertaken solely at Your own risk.

3.Communications Solely With Google.

You agree to direct to Google, and not to any advertiser, any communication regarding any Ad(s) or Link(s) displayed in connection with Your Site(s).

4.Parties' Responsibilities.

You are solely responsible for the Site(s), including all content and materials, maintenance and operation thereof, the proper implementation of Google's specifications, and adherence to the terms of this Agreement, including compliance with the Program Policies. Google reserves the right to investigate, at its own discretion, any activity that may violate this Agreement, including but not limited to any use of a software application to access Ads, Links, Search Results, or Referral Buttons or to complete any Referral Event, or any engagement in any activity prohibited by this Agreement. Google is not responsible for anything related to Your Site(s), including without limitation the receipt of queries from end users of Your Site(s) or the transmission of data between Your Site(s) and Google. In addition, Google shall not be obligated to provide notice to You in the event that any Ad, Link, Search Result, or Referral Button is not being displayed properly to, or Referral Event is not being completed properly by, end users of the Site(s).

5.Prohibited Uses.

You shall not, and shall not authorize or encourage any third party to: (i) directly or indirectly generate queries, Referral Events, or impressions of or clicks on any Ad, Link, Search Result, or Referral Button through any automated, deceptive, fraudulent or other invalid means, including but not limited to through repeated manual clicks, the use of robots or other automated query tools and/or computer generated search requests, and/or the unauthorized use of other search engine optimization services and/or software; (ii) edit, modify, filter or change the order of the information contained in any Ad, Link, Ad Unit, Search Result, or Referral Button, or remove, obscure or minimize any Ad, Link, Ad Unit, Search Result, or Referral Button in any way; (iii) frame, minimize, remove or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Web page accessed by an end user after clicking on any part of an Ad ("Advertiser Page"), any Search Results Page, or any Referral Page; (iv) redirect an end user away from any Advertiser Page, Search Results Page, or Referral Page; provide a version of the Advertiser Page, Search Results Page, or Referral Page that is different from the page an end user would access by going directly to the Advertiser Page, Search Results Page, or Referral Page; intersperse any content between the Ad and the Advertiser Page, between the page containing the Search Box and the Search Results Page, or between the Referral Button and the Referral Page; or otherwise provide anything other than a direct link from an Ad to an Advertiser Page, from the page containing the Search Box to the Search Results Page, or from the Referral Button to the Referral Page; (v) display any Ad(s), Link(s), or Referral Button(s) on any error page, on any registration or "thank you" page (e.g., a page that thanks a user after he/she has registered with the applicable Web site), on any chat page, in any email, or on any Web page or any Web site that contains any pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content; (vi) directly or indirectly access, launch, and/or activate Ads, Links, Search Results, or Referral Buttons through or from, or otherwise incorporate the Ads, Links, Search Results, or Referral Buttons in, any software application, Web site, or other means other than Your Site(s), and then only to the extent expressly permitted by this Agreement (e.g., while Search Results may be indirectly accessed from Your Site(s), they may only be displayed on the appropriate Google-hosted Web page); (vii) "crawl", "spider", index or in any non-transitory manner store or cache information obtained from any Ads, Links, Search Results, or Referral Events, or any part, copy, or derivative thereto; (viii) act in any way that violates any Program Policies posted on the Google Web Site, as may be revised from time to time, or any other agreement between You and Google (including without limitation the Google AdWords program terms), or engage in any action or practice that reflects poorly on Google or otherwise disparages or devalues Google’s reputation or goodwill. You acknowledge that any attempted participation or violation of any of the foregoing is a material breach of this Agreement and that we may pursue any and all applicable legal and equitable remedies against You, including an immediate suspension of Your account or termination of this Agreement, and the pursuit of all available civil or criminal remedies.

6.Termination; Cancellation.

Subject to any third party agreements You may have with other Google customers (e.g., Your Web hosting company), You may stop displaying Ads, Links, Search Boxes, or Referral Buttons on any Site in the Program with or without cause at any time by removing the Google JavaScript or similar programming from Your Sites. You may terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time by sending written notice of your desire to cancel Your participation in the Program to adsense-support@google.com. This Agreement will be deemed terminated within ten (10) business days of Google's receipt of Your notice. Google may investigate any activity that may violate this Agreement. Google may at any time, in its sole discretion, terminate all or part of the Program, terminate this Agreement, or suspend or terminate the participation of any Site in all or part of the Program for any reason. In addition, Google reserves the right to terminate without notice any account that has not generated a sufficient number of valid clicks on Ads or Referral Buttons or valid impressions of Ads (in each case as measured by Google) for a period of two (2) months or more. Upon termination of participation of any Site in the Program or termination of this Agreement for any reason, Sections 3, 6 through 10, and 14 through 17 shall survive termination.


You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without Google's prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes without limitation: (a) all Google software, technology, programming, specifications, materials, guidelines and documentation relating to the Program; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Site performance in the Program provided to You by Google; and (c) any other information designated in writing by Google as "Confidential" or an equivalent designation. However, You may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments to You pursuant to the Program. Google Confidential Information does not include information that has become publicly known through no breach by You or Google, or information that has been (i) independently developed without access to Google Confidential Information, as evidenced in writing; (ii) rightfully received by You from a third party; or (iii) required to be disclosed by law or by a governmental authority.

8.No Guarantee.

Google makes no guarantee regarding the level of impressions of Ads or clicks on any Ad or Referral Button, the timing of delivery of such impressions and/or clicks, the completion of Referral Events, or the amount of any payment to be made to You under this Agreement.

9.No Warranty.


10.Limitations of Liability; Force Majeure.

EXCEPT FOR ANY INDEMNIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER OR YOUR BREACH OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND/OR PROPRIETARY INTERESTS RELATING TO THE PROGRAM, (i) IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY AND (ii) GOOGLE'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO PUBLISHER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY CLAIM IS LIMITED TO THE NET AMOUNT PAID BY GOOGLE TO PUBLISHER DURING THE THREE MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE DATE OF THE CLAIM. Each party acknowledges that the other party has entered into this Agreement relying on the limitations of liability stated herein and that those limitations are an essential basis of the bargain between the parties. Without limiting the foregoing and except for payment obligations, neither party shall have any liability for any failure or delay resulting from any condition beyond the reasonable control of such party, including but not limited to governmental action or acts of terrorism, earthquake or other acts of God, labor conditions, and power failures.


You shall receive a payment related to the number of valid clicks on Ads, valid impressions of Ads, and/or valid completions of Referral Events initiated through Referral Buttons displayed in connection with Your Site(s), in each case as determined by Google for its participants in the Program. If You have elected to receive Search Results, this payment will be offset by fees applicable to Search Results. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing (including by electronic mail), payments to You shall be sent by Google within approximately thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar month that Ads or Referral Buttons are running on Your Site or that Ads are running on Search Results Pages if Your earned balance is $100 or more. In the event the Agreement is terminated, Google shall pay Your earned balance to You within approximately ninety (90) days after the end of the calendar month in which the Agreement is terminated by You (following Google's receipt of Your written request, including by email, to terminate the Agreement) or by Google. In no event, however, shall Google make payments for any earned balance less than $10. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Google shall not be liable for any payment based on: (a) any amounts which result from invalid queries, invalid Referral Events, or invalid clicks or impressions on Ads generated by any person, bot, automated program or similar device, as reasonably determined by Google, including without limitation through any clicks or impressions (i) originating from Your IP addresses or computers under Your control, (ii) solicited by payment of money, false representation, or request for end users to click on Ads, or (iii) solicited by payment of money, false representation, or any illegal or otherwise invalid request for end users to complete Referral Events; (b) Ads or Referral Buttons delivered to end users whose browsers have JavaScript disabled; (c) Ads benefiting charitable organizations and other placeholder or transparent Ads that Google may deliver; (d) Google advertisements for its own products and/or services (excluding payments based on completed Referral Events); or (e) clicks co-mingled with a significant number of invalid clicks described in (a) above, or as a result of any breach of this Agreement by You for any applicable pay period. Google reserves the right to withhold payment or charge back Your account due to any of the foregoing or any breach of this Agreement by You, pending Google's reasonable investigation of any of the foregoing or any breach of this Agreement by You, or in the event that an advertiser whose Ads are displayed in connection with Your Site(s) defaults on payment for such Ads to Google. In addition, if You are past due on any payment to Google in connection with any Google program (including without limitation the Google AdWords program), Google reserves the right to withhold payment until all outstanding payments have been made or to offset amounts owed to You in connection with the Program by amounts owed by You to Google. To ensure proper payment, You are solely responsible for providing and maintaining accurate contact and payment information associated with Your account. For U.S. taxpayers, this information includes without limitation a valid U.S. tax identification number and a fully-completed Form W-9. For non-U.S. taxpayers, this information includes without limitation either a signed certification that the taxpayer does not have U.S. Activities (as described on the Google AdSense: Tax Information Page located at https://www.google.com/adsense/taxinfo, or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time) or a fully-completed Form W-8 or other form, which may require a valid U.S. tax identification number, as required by the U.S. tax authorities. Any bank fees related to returned or cancelled checks due to a contact or payment information error or omission may be deducted from the newly issued payment. You agree to pay all applicable taxes or charges imposed by any government entity in connection with Your participation in the Program. Google may change its pricing and/or payment structure at any time. If You dispute any payment made under the Program, You must notify Google in writing within thirty (30) days of any such payment; failure to so notify Google shall result in the waiver by You of any claim relating to any such disputed payment. Payment shall be calculated solely based on records maintained by Google. No other measurements or statistics of any kind shall be accepted by Google or have any effect under this Agreement. The payments made under this Agreement are for use by You only and may not be transferred or in any manner passed on to any third party (i.e., distributed to Sites managed by You that require separate payments) unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail).


You agree that Google may use Your name and logo in presentations, marketing materials, customer lists, financial reports, Web site listings of customers, Search Results Pages, and Referral Pages. If You wish to use Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features ("Brand Features"), You may do so, so long as such use is in compliance with this Agreement and in compliance with Google's then current Brand Feature use guidelines, and any content contained or referenced therein, which guidelines may be found at the following URL: http://www.google.com/permissions/guidelines.html (or such other URL Google may provide from time to time).

13.Representations and Warranties.

You represent and warrant that (a) all of the information provided by You to Google to enroll in the Program is correct and current; (b) You are the owner of each Site or that You are legally authorized to act on behalf of the owner of such Site(s) for the purposes of this Agreement and the Program; (c) You have all necessary right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform the acts required of You hereunder; and (d) You have complied and will continue to comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations (including without limitation the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and any relevant data protection or privacy laws) in Your performance of any acts hereunder. You further represent and warrant that each Site and any material displayed therein: (i) comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations; (ii) do not breach and have not breached any duty toward or rights of any person or entity including, without limitation, rights of intellectual property, publicity or privacy, or rights or duties under consumer protection, product liability, tort, or contract theories; and (iii) are not pornographic, hate-related or otherwise violent in content.

14.Your Obligation to Indemnify.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Google, its agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, and applicable third parties (e.g. relevant advertisers, syndication partners, licensors, licensees, consultants and contractors) (collectively "Indemnified Person(s)") harmless from and against any and all third party claims, liability, loss, and expense (including damage awards, settlement amounts, and reasonable legal fees), brought against any Indemnified Person(s), arising out of, related to or which may arise from Your use of the Program, the Site(s), and/or Your breach of any term of this Agreement.

15.Google Rights.

You acknowledge that Google owns all right, title and interest, including without limitation all Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below), in and to the Program (including Google's ad serving technology, search technology, referral technology, and Brand Features, and excluding items licensed by Google from third parties), and that You will not acquire any right, title, or interest in or to the Program except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. You will not modify, adapt, translate, prepare derivative works from, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive source code from any Google services, software, or documentation, or create or attempt to create a substitute or similar service or product through use of or access to the Program or proprietary information related thereto. You will not remove, obscure, or alter Google's copyright notice, Brand Features, or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within any Google services, software, or documentation (including without limitation the display of Google’s Brand Features with Ads, Links, Search Boxes, Search Results, and/or Search Buttons, as applicable). "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights existing from time to time under patent law, copyright law, semiconductor chip protection law, moral rights law, trade secret law, trademark law, unfair competition law, publicity rights law, privacy rights law, and any and all other proprietary rights, as well as, any and all applications, renewals, extensions, restorations and re-instatements thereof, now or hereafter in force and effect worldwide.

16.Information Rights.

Google may retain and use, subject to the terms of the Google Privacy Policy (located at http://www.google.com/privacy.html, or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time), all information You provide, including but not limited to Site demographics and contact and billing information. You agree that Google may transfer and disclose to third parties personally identifiable information about You for the purpose of approving and enabling Your participation in the Program, including to third parties that reside in jurisdictions with less restrictive data laws than Your own. Google may also provide information in response to valid legal process, such as subpoenas, search warrants and court orders, or to establish or exercise its legal rights or defend against legal claims. Google disclaims all responsibility, and will not be liable to You, however, for any disclosure of that information by any such third party. Google may share non-personally-identifiable information about You, including Site URLs, Site-specific statistics and similar information collected by Google, with advertisers, business partners, sponsors, and other third parties. In addition, You grant Google the right to access, index and cache the Site(s), or any portion thereof, including by automated means including Web spiders or crawlers.

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of California , except for its conflicts of laws principles. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be adjudicated in Santa Clara County , California . The parties specifically exclude from application to the Agreement the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Any modifications to this Agreement must be made in a writing executed by both parties, by Your online acceptance of updated terms, or after Your continued participation in the Program after such terms have been updated by Google. The failure to require performance of any provision shall not affect a party's right to require performance at any time thereafter, nor shall a waiver of any breach or default of this Agreement constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default or a waiver of the provision itself. If any provision herein is held unenforceable, then such provision will be modified to reflect the parties' intention, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. You may not resell, assign, or transfer any of Your rights hereunder. Any such attempt may result in termination of this Agreement, without liability to Google. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Google may assign this Agreement to any affiliate at any time without notice. The relationship between Google and You is not one of a legal partnership relationship, but is one of independent contractors.

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