v June 2011 ~ WebsiteSupport

June 16, 2011

Now you can search on google by the image

Search by Image in Google Search
Discover all sorts of content that's related to a specific image. Just specify an image, and you'll find other similar or related images as well as relevant results from across the Web.
For example, search using a picture of your favorite band and see search results that might include similar images, webpages about the band, and even sites that include the same picture.

How to search

There are a few ways to search by image:
  • Visit images.google.com, or any Images results page, and click the camera icon camera icon in the search box. Enter an image URL for an image hosted on the web or upload an image from your computer.
  • How to enter an image URL
    1. On any webpage, right-click an image and select the option to copy it. In most browsers, this option's name starts with "Copy image," except Internet Explorer for which you'll select "Properties" and then copy the URL that's then displayed.
    2. Visit images.google.com, or any Images results page, and click the camera icon camera icon in the search box.
    3. Paste the copied URL into the search box
    4. Click Search
    How to upload an image
    1. Visit images.google.com, or any Images results page, and click the camera icon camera icon in the search box
    2. Click the Upload an image link
    3. Click Choose File
    4. Select the image from your computer
    5. Wait for the file to upload, then click Search
    Tip: You can also drag and drop an image to initiate a search. Simply click on an image, hold down the mouse, and begin dragging it toward the search box. You should see a blue box appear, and then you can drop the image into that box.
  • Download a browser extension for Google Chrome or Firefox to search by any image on the web, simply by right-clicking on the image.
Search by image is optimized to work well for content that is reasonably well described on the web. For this reason, you’ll likely get more relevant results for famous landmarks or paintings than you will for more personal images like your toddler’s latest finger painting.

How it works

Google uses computer vision techniques to match your image to other images in the Google Images index and additional image collections. From those matches, we try to generate an accurate "best guess" text description of your image, as well as find other images that have the same content as your search image. Your search results page can show results for that text description as well as related images.

The results page

When you search by image, your results will look different than your normal Images or Web results page. The biggest difference is that your results can include non-image results like webpages that seem relevant to the image that you searched for. The elements of your results page will change depending on your search and on the information that's most relevant to that search.

Elements you might see

  • Preview image: see a small version of the image that you searched with. (Note that if you return to that results page after a certain time, you may not see this image anymore.)
  • Best guess: if our system can find a text description for your image, you'll see it appear as a link to further search results. You might also see a few top web results for that text query. To change your search, edit or add to the best guess by typing in the search bar.
  • Visually similar images: see a set of images that are close matches to the image that you searched with. Click the link to see additional images that are similar.
  • Pages that include matching images: see web pages that show your image on their site
  • Other searches related to this image: if our system finds more than one "best guess" description, you'll see them as links at the bottom of the page. Click one to see full search results for that query.

HOW TO: Get Started With the COMPASS CSS Framework

Anybody who’s built a website of any size knows how quickly CSS can get out of hand. Style sheets can grow bloated and lengthy, making it difficult to find things, introducing redundancy and producing an end product that makes code maintenance tedious. Let’s face it — CSS is not very well-designed.
Over the years, a number of solutions have cropped up that attempt to deal with these problems. One of the most popular is the CSS framework, COMPASS.
Below, we’ll give you a quick introduction to how COMPASS works, and some tips on how to make it work for you.

What is COMPASS?

COMPASS is an open source CSS authoring framework written in Ruby that attempts to fix a lot of the shortcomings of CSS. It also streamlines development by providing a number of utilities and tools to make writing your CSS files easier and faster.
Those features include:
  • Support for variables and mixins.
  • SASS-style nesting of CSS rules.
  • Helper functions for images, fonts, colors and more, including mathematical calculations.
  • Flexible tools for ensuring cross-browser compatibility and graceful fallback states.
  • Integration of a Blueprint module, including several default styles for rapid prototyping and styling commonly used elements.
With all that and dozens more tidbits to offer, COMPASS provides a robust authoring environment for CSS creation that automatically monitors your code as you write it, compiling it down to pure CSS for use on your site. So while the COMPASS gem is needed for authoring, your website needs no special software or libraries to display CSS written in COMPASS.

How Does COMPASS Work?

Now that we’ve gone over what COMPASS is and discussed a few of its features, let’s take a look at some of them in action. In this, we’ll use a few variables and a custom mixin, as well as an image helper and nesting to show how COMPASS makes it easy to reuse content throughout your CSS files.

$dark-accent:   #333;
$light-accent:  #eee;

@mixin default_fonts {
    font-family:    helvetica;
    font-size:      10pt;
    color:          $dark-accent;

#info_box {
    width:      400px;
    height:     300px;
    padding:    10pt;
    border:     1px solid $dark-accent;
    background: $light-accent;
    @include    default_fonts;

    input[type=button] {
        background:  image-url('button.png') top left repeat-x;
        color:       #fff;
        font-weight: bold;
        border:      none;

Here you see that we’ve set up a couple of variables (dark and light accent) which we use in the mixin, in addition to the CSS rules for our info box.
Next, the mixin itself contains the rules for our default fonts. After that comes an example of how nesting works. The rules for our input button, in this example, only apply to those found within the info box.
Finally, the image URL helper here is used to generate the output for the background image, so we don’t have to type the full image path each time (path information is defined in a small config file that sits in the root directory of your project).
Now let’s take a look at the COMPASS-compiled output:

/* line 10, ../sass/demo.scss */
#info_box {
  width: 400px;
  height: 300px;
  padding: 10pt;
  border: 1px solid #333333;
  background: #eeeeee;
  font-family: helvetica;
  font-size: 10pt;
  color: #333333;
/* line 18, ../sass/demo.scss */
#info_box input[type=button] {
  background: url('/images/button.png') top left repeat-x;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;
  border: none;

As you can see, the mixins become included, variables substituted, image URLs generated, and inheritance is determined via the nesting. When generating the CSS, COMPASS also includes comments that clearly show us where each element is defined in its corresponding CSS file. If there’s an error at the time of generation, COMPASS will drop a helpful stack trace right into the CSS file where the error occurs.
At first glance, the original COMPASS code may look more verbose than the generated CSS output, but when you consider that those variables and mixins can be used throughout your entire project, you begin to see the advantages. COMPASS all but eliminates the need for adding presentational classes (e.g. “align-right” or “big-text”) without making you constantly repeat yourself. In addition, it’s feasible to completely change a color scheme for an entire project simply by updating a few variables and perhaps changing an image path or two.
This is only a small example of the power and flexibility COMPASS offers, but you can begin to see its amazing potential.

Where to Go From Here

If you’d like to learn more about COMPASS, you can check them out at compass-style.org. Thedocumentation is particularly well done.
Keep in mind that COMPASS uses SASS and Blueprint, so you may want to read up on those as well.
You’ll also need a working installation of Ruby and RubyGems to install and use COMPASS.
Finally, we recommend taking a look at the Setup & Install Guide on the COMPASS website.
source: http://mashable.com

June 02, 2011

GIMP Keyboard ShortCuts

GIMP: GNU Image Manipulation Program is one of the powerful Open Source Image Editing Software. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.

GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.

GIMP is written and developed under X11 on UNIX platforms. But basically the same code also runs on MS Windows and Mac OS X.

Keyboard shortcuts can be a great time saver when working within GIMP.  Rather than navigating through the menu structure to find what you are looking for, if you learn some of  the common shortcuts it will increase your productivity greatly.

File Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Ctrl + NNew Image
Shift+Ctrl+VCreate a new Image from Clipboard
Ctrl + OOpen Image
Ctrl+Alt+OOpen as Layers
Ctrl+SSave Image
Shift+Ctrl+SSave As
Shift+Ctrl+WClose All
Edit Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Shift+Ctrl+CCopy Visible
Shift+Ctrl+VPast as New Image
Ctrl+,Fill with FG Color
Ctrl+.Fill with BG Color
Ctrl+;Fill with Pattern
Select Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Ctrl+ASelect All
Shift+Ctrl+ASelect None
Ctrl+IInvert Selection
Shift+Ctrl+LCreate a Floating Selection
Shift+OSelect by Color
Shift+VSelect from Path
Shift+QToggle Quick Mask
View Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Ctrl+EShrink Wrap - Reduce image window to size of image
F11Toggle Fullscreen View
Ctrl+TShow Selection
Shift+Ctrl+TShow Guides
Shift+Ctrl+RShow Rulers
Image Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Ctrl+DDuplicate Image
Ctrl+MMerge Visible Layers
Alt+ReturnDisplay Image Properties
Layer Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Shift+Ctrl+NNew Layer
Shift+Ctrl+DDuplicate Layer
Ctrl+HAnchor Layer
Page UpSelect Previous Layer
Page DownSelect Next Layer
HomeSelect Top Layer
EndSelect Bottom Layer
Tools Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Selection Tools 
RRectangle Select
EEllipse Select
FFree Select
UFuzzy Select
Shift+OSelect by Color
IIntelligent Scissors
Paint Tools 
Shift+BBucket Fill
Shift+UBlur / Sharpen
Shift+DDodge / Burn
Transfrom Tools 
OColor Picker
DDefault Colors (Sets foreground to black and background to white)
XSwap Colors
Filters Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Ctrl+FRepeat Last
Shift+Ctrl+FRe-Show Last
Windows Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Dockable Dialogs 
Help Menu - ShortcutsFunction
Shift+F1Context Sensitive Help

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