v February 2012 ~ WebsiteSupport

February 28, 2012

Free And Open Source Alternatives To Flash For Linux

A dedicated Flash player is not the only way to view Flash content. Here are two of the major open source alternatives that offer Flash access to Linux users.

 If you prefer to stay away from Windows and support the open source Linux platform then Adobe's Flash might create troubles for you now. With Adobe announcing plans to discontinue its standalone Flash Player for Linux, its updated versions will be available to Linux users only through Google's Chrome browser.

It would also be interesting to note how much longer Flash will be important to Adobe as HTML5 grows. Till then, do not lose heart! A dedicated Flash player is not the only way to view Flash content. A report by PCWorld lists down two of the major open source alternatives that offer Flash access to Linux users. 

It is a free and open source Flash movie player based on GameSWF. The best part of this tool is that it is available both as a standalone player and as a browser plug-in for Firefox and all other Gecko-based browsers. The latest version Gnash 0.8.10 can be downloaded from GNU.org site. According to its developers, Gnash flawlessly plays videos from popular video sites such as YouTube, Vimeo and others.

Apart from Gnash, another free and open source alternative is Lightspark. It is a Flash player and doubles up as browser plug-in too. According to its developers, it "supports YoutTube well enough for daily use". The latest release of Lightspark,, was just launched at the beginning of February. It can be downloaded free of cost from the Launchpad site.

February 09, 2012

Integrate jQuery in HTML

jQuery simplifies building rich, interactive web frontends. Getting started with this Javascript library is easy, but it can take years to fully realize its breadth and depth. In this excerpt from jQuery Cookbook, the authors quickly get you up to speed by showing you how to quickly and efficiently add the jQuerry library to your HTML

There are currently two ideal solutions for embedding the jQuery library in a web page:

Use the Google-hosted content delivery network (CDN) to include a version of jQuery (used in this tutorial).
Download your own version of jQuery from jQuery.com and host it on your own server or local filesystem.

Including the jQuery Javascript library isn’t any different from including any other external Javascript file. You simply use the HTML <script> element and provide the element a value (URL or directory path) for its src="" attribute, and the external file you are linking to will be included in the web page. For example, the following is a template that includes the jQuery library that you can use to start any jQuery project:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<span class="strong"><strong><script type="text/Javascript"</strong></span>
<span class="strong"><strong>src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script></strong></span>
<script type="text/Javascript">
alert('jQuery ' + jQuery.fn.jquery);

Notice that I am using—and highly recommend using for public web pages—the Google-hosted minified version of jQuery. However, debugging Javascript errors in minified code is not ideal. During code development, or on the production site, it actually might be better to use the nonminified version from Google for the purpose of debugging potential Javascript errors. For more information about using the Google-hosted version of jQuery, you can visit the Ajax libraries API site on the Web at http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlibs/.

It’s of course also possible, and mostly likely old hat, to host a copy of the jQuery code yourself. In most circumstances, however, this would be silly to do because Google has been kind enough to host it for you. By using a Google-hosted version of jQuery, you benefit from a stable, reliable, high-speed, and globally available copy of jQuery. As well, you reap the benefit of decreased latency, increased parallelism, and better caching. This of course could be accomplished without using Google’s solution, but it would most likely cost you a dime or two.

Now, for whatever reason, you might not want to use the Google-hosted version of jQuery. You might want a customized version of jQuery, or your usage might not require/have access to an Internet connection. Or, you simply might believe that Google is “The Man” and wish not to submit to usage because you are a control freak and conspiracy fanatic. So, for those who do not need, or simply who do not want, to use a Google-hosted copy of the jQuery code, jQuery can be downloaded from jQuery.com and hosted locally on your own server or local filesystem. Based on the template I’ve provided in this recipe, you would simply replace the src attribute value with a URL or directory path to the location of the jQuery Javascript file you’ve downloaded.

Thanks adfm for sharing this article.

HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF)

XHTML 2 is dead, long live HTML 5! According to W3C News Archive, XHTML 2 working group is expected to stop workend of 2009 and W3C is planning to increase resources on HTML 5 instead. And even although HTML 5 won’t be completely supported until 2022, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be widely adopted within the foreseeable future.
So in the spirit of the upcoming change there is release of a handy printable HTML 5 Cheat Sheet by smashingmagazine that lists all currently supported tags, their descriptions, their attributes and their support in HTML 4.
Please notice that the specification is an ongoing work, and is expected to remain so for many years, although parts of HTML 5 are going to be finished and implemented in browsers before the whole specification reaches final Recommendation status.
Here's the download link of the HTML5 cheatsheet.

downloadable link of HTML5 cheatsheet

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