No web business can be successful without web traffic. Without web traffic your web business will surely fail. I have often taught in many of my articles that you must learn how to market the business before you start operating the business successfully. Many of you are doing this wrong, and you still wonder why your business is not succeeding or making money like it should be and is capable of doing. First of all, it’s not the business; it’s the person who is operating the business; therefore, you must change your ways and learn the basics first.
Over the past ten years I have experienced many struggles to learn unique traffic methods. There are only two types of web traffic. There is either free traffic or there is traffic that you pay for. That’s the only two types, and here is my recommendation on these two types of traffic. You should start off your new web business with paid traffic in the form of pay per clicks, text link ads, banners ads, or solo ads that you can purchase. These methods will get your business off and running. Once your campaigns are in motion, you can concentrate on free traffic methods. Free traffic methods would include writing articles, writing news releases, social marketing, viral marketing, forum marketing, Search engine optimization, video marketing, pod casting, Joint ventures, and word of mouth. There are hundreds of ways to advertise you business and believe it or not most of these methods are free. With anything that is free, it will require extra work on your part, but it is well worth your efforts.
This web page was designed to teach you about getting web traffic, free website traffic, and web traffic methods. The key to any successful online business is being able to generate website traffic.
Are you ready to learn the traffic methods that will send more traffic to your website than you have ever expected to generate? Let’s get started!
The Top Nineteen Methods for Generating Unlimitted Amounts of Web Traffic;
Search engine optimization Email Marketing
Pay per click advertising Social marketing
Low cost adverts Post cards
Forum posting Speaking at events
Video Marketing Auctions for lead generation
Article marketing Lead capture pages
Publish news letters My story marketing
Viral marketing Online classified ads
Solo ads with ezines Direct marketing-offline
Joint Ventures
I would like to explain how each of these methods work and are put together; however, this is a free article and it would take an entire website to explain how each of these methods are implemented; therefore, enjoy the information and learn how to utilize each of these methods
You must learn the above nineteen methods. My suggestion; learn and master one method at a time and then move onto another method. It only takes one method operated correctly to bring in tons of web traffic. That’s why I suggest working at one method and then moving onto another after that method is mastered.
Now that you know the top nineteen methods, let’s go into more traffic methods that you can use to benefit your web business.
You can write an ebook and offer it free. This method is classified as viral marketing. The key is to allow customers to download the book for free and be able to give away that same book. You will want to do this because it will allow you to advertise your website free of charge. The number of visitors are unlimited.
You need to start thinking about branding yourself on all of your products and contacts. Every contact that is made your logo, website, or name should be displayed. This also includes signatures on emails.
You should also use auto-responders when capturing customer’s information. This is a great technique for free advertising and should be utilized for staying in contact with your customers. Like they say; The money is in the list!
Another method is exchanging links and banners with other websites. If you do not want to spend time finding sites to exchange links with, there are companies online who will do this for you, but that comes with a fee.
You must participate in online forums. This is a great way to advertise you business for free. This method will take time to accomplish; therefore, make this time count for your benefit web needs. This would also include web blogs. Be sure to also start your own web blogs on your site to get extra web traffic.
Writing article is a great way to generate free traffic. You need to have at least six articles written and always advertise your website in these articles. Once your articles are written, spend time submitting to every article directory online. This method will work even better if you change fifty percent of the article each time it is submitted to a different directory. Also book mark the locations on all of your articles.
Your website needs to be submitted to all of the search engine directories. At a minimum your site should be submitted to Google, MSN, and Yahoo.
Social Marketing has become really big in the last two years. This method would be used on sites such as; My Space, Face Book, You Tube, eBay, Chat rooms, forums, blogs, or any other sites that communicate with others. The numbers of these sites are unlimited and are growing everyday.
Video marketing is huge and works great. Video marketing is one of the top methods used by almost everyone who operates a successful. If you are not using video marketing, you are behind time and you are losing sells everyday. You must use this method to survive in the online world.
Classified ads are also growing as an online method which can be utilized for free web traffic. Just about every big website online offers paid or free classified ads. This space should be utilized for advertising. Just be careful on free classified ads, some of the larger companies will kick you off of their website due to your commercial advertising. To get around this, your IP address needs to be blocked when submitting your ads. This method works greats but it comes at a small cost, membership, and a piece of software.
Traffic brokers are popping up everywhere. They offer visitors and hits at a very low price, usually around one cent per visit. Be advised some of these brokers are scams. This method will work if you can find a trust worthy traffic broker that sends you actual visitors. There is only one way to find out which companies are reliable, that’s trying them and testing the results. There are also email list brokers, but the same technique should apply.
Audio-zines are a lot like ezine marketing; however, instead of using a solo or classified ad, you would use an audio or a pod cast to deliver your message.
Don’t forget about selling on eBay, Amazon, and other auction sites. Auction sites are a great way to generate leads for your business, even if you did not make any money. As long as you can capture the customer’s information or email address, you can eventually make money off of that customer. Some of the top gurus sell on ebay, not for the money but for the leads generated for much larger sells.
Another way to get web traffic is by purchasing expired domain names. Some online business work hard for years and then give up leaving their customers still coming back for more finding that the website is gone. This is wasted web traffic and can easily be diverted to your website.
Make it easy to buy from your website. The last thing a customer wants to do is jump over hurdles in order to check out with their purchase. Your check out process should be within a couple of steps and very simple. Keep in mind, the sell is not made until the money exchanges from the customer to your business. Keep the check out easy and simple.
You can also offer coupons, free shipping, or hold contest for your customers. The key here is to get your customers involved in your website. Make them feel part of the website, not just a paying customer.
Your website should also contain articles and information. A content rich website will pull free web traffic from the search engines. No matter what type of website you have, it can contain information on a topic or products you offer.
Test, test, test. You must test your campaigns each and every time you run a campaign. A strategy that worked before might not work again. That’s why it is important to test your campaigns. Methods and customers change, something new and exciting is always the best technique and the way to bring in new customers.
You should also use testimonials on your website when you are trying to reach or persuade new customers. Always use certified testimonials, Do not use testimonials that have been made up. This never works and can destroy your website’s reputation.
Come up with something creative, like a joke for the day, or birthday cards for your customers. It does not take a lot of effort to make your customers feel wanted. Most importantly, always send them a personal email just to say Thank You. This is how and why your customers will return to your business.
Offer free reports on your website. Everyone enjoys free items especially when they are not expected. This is usually an unspoken thank you.
Make sure your website uploads fast. You can lose many potential customers if your website loads slowly. Whatever the cost get this corrected even if you have to move your website to a new web hosting provider.
Your website name and logo should be advertised on everything. Find creative ways of getting this message out in the public and to the communities online.
Another cool website that will come in handy is If you want to see how a website is ranked or what type of traffic they are getting to their site, use the tracking tool at, it’s awesome and will provide you with a great deal of information.
Here are some tips to get free traffic for your websites/blogs.
1. Ads on free classified ads sites, such as Backpages, Craigslist, and Kijiji. (List of classified sites are given in my previous post.)
2. Posting articles on article directory sites, such as EzineArticles. (a) Corrolary: All articles are blog posts, and most blog posts are articles!
3. Creating educational YouTube videos and putting URL in the video and link in the description text.
4. Posting content to networking sites. For example, ActiveRain is a very popular blogging and online networking community for real estate brokers, in much the same way that Facebook is for college students. Networking with other people expands your sphere, also. (List of Social networking sites are given in my previous post.)
5. Discussion board participation. Pick forums related to your industry and site, and put links in your signature line so it appears in all your posts. These can be stand-alone sites, or \"groups\" on sites like MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
6. Automatically submit your content to aggregators. The easiest way to do this is to burn your feed to FeedBurner and enable the feature to distribute your feed to blog aggregators. (Read the post adsense feed)
7. Place links in your blog posts to allow readers to submit them to Digg, Delicious, Stumble Upon, Fark, and other such \"best of blogging\" sites. And last, but definitely MOST important, the number one web traffic generator of all time...
8. Build your list! Get people to subscribe to your email list or blog feed to receive announcements of blog updates, product promotions, tips, tricks, secrets, and anything else your readers might want to know about.
I recently became a huge fan of, a Google product. It allows you to automate several functions listed above, as well as BUILD A LIST for FREE! You can add a \"Get email updates\" subscription form on your blog and they will be automatically notified whenever you put up a new post. While lacking the significant power of a sequential autoresponder, it\'s a great way to build a list without subscribing to a service. Feedburner will even let you export your subscriber list in Excel format, so you can take it with you if you move beyond it\'s capabilities.
These 8 publishing methods should get you thousands of unique visitors per month to your site, which is sufficient to generate a small but significant AdSense or affiliate revenue stream through making money online.
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