Backlinks are very important to every nice blog (Important to my Website Support Blog as well). Backlinks can help you to improve your Search Engines Ranking, Page Rank, indirectly also increase your blog traffic. Indirectly again, backlinks can help you make money blogging, how good they are.
What is Backlink ?
Backlinks are those incoming links, those links that link from other page to your posts or pages. The more incoming links you have in the single post, the better rank you have in the single post. That’s mean your single post is important and popular and your readers would like to give your single post a link from their blog. Backlinks are also called incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links. In order to make money online, you may need to improve your backlinks. The more backlinks you have, the more money you can make. This is why backlinks are also very important for a make money online blog.
How To Increase Backlinks And Make Money Blogging?
In order to increase your backlinks, there is only one simple steps you need to do all the way when you feel you want. So how to increase backlinks ? Commenting! This is the point, commenting on others’ blog can increase your backlinks, that’s very easy. Don’t be selfish to drop comment on others’ blog, I believe that most of you will feel that commenting on a blog may help him/her to improve their blog, don’t be selfish, because it helps you to increase your backlinks too.
A comment consider a backlink, but don’t try to spam on others’ blog, Google hate it and you won’t get better rank. Don’t practice to comment like “Your blog very nice!”, “Nice blog you have, very informative!” and etc., “polish their shoes” and you may cause Google to hate you. You are recommended to give your own opinions, suggestions, your 2 cents 3 cents & 4cents.
The more quality comments you have, the more backlinks you get, the higher rank you have, the easier your post to be listed in Google, the more traffic you gain, and … THE MORE MONEY YOU MAKE !
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